The music was the basis of our first reflections 2000, the birth of In the Shadow : when the word did not rights of citizenship, we sing ! She still keeps it in the main square of our project.

Staged music that, sung in a particular context, gained strength and unique connotation: this is our bias.
Whether created for a specific purpose or misused by people's imagination ... whatever.
What is that music as Grândola, who speak only of a city, become a symbol of revolution ?
Our choice was the work of four exceptional moments : the rise of Nazism in Germany, the occupation in France, the dictatorship in Portugal – finished in 1974- and the dark years of Brazil, 1964-1980.
Sung softly, fear, this music became a recognition code between companions and sometimes, trust ruling, they turned into a rage and cry of liberation.
It is this atmosphere of secrecy and libertarian will than in the shade - A recital offers the public.

Of : Rui Frati et Isabel Ribeiro
Staging : Rui Frati

Musical Direction : Toninho do Carmo
Costumes : Telma Savietto
Directed : Antonia Hayward, Delphine Dey, Leo Friars, Manuela Brazil, Maria Teresa Ferreira, Vincent Vidal, Tatiana Reigota, Thomas Razet